POE Betrayal Juggernaut Molten Strike Build - Fast Clear Speed and Damage, Tankly, Endgame

R4PG Game Store Date: Dec/03/18 02:20:08 Views: 5292


In this build, Molten Strike is the skill of essence. Molten Strike is an attack skill consisting of two parts: an initial melee attack hit and a projectile attack.

This build really tanky (8-9k HP. 17k Armor. 80Marex. 56% Block) and have good single target damage. Endgame gear not super-expensive.

POE Betrayal Juggernaut Molten Strike Build - Fast Clear Speed and Damage, Tankly, Endgame


Quick Jump


Pros & Cons


  • + Really Tanky (8-9k HP. 17k Armor. 80Marex. 56% Block)
  • + Good Single Target Damage (~1.7m)
  • + Quite Fast clearing
  • + Lightning Fast movement/attacks
  • + All Content farmable
  • + Eats Uber-Lab and Izaro for Breakfast
  • + Great Gear-Curve from Beginner to Endgame
  • + Endgame Gear not super-expensive
  • + Hardcore-Viable
  • + Run EVERY map mod (even elemental reflect)
  • + Run the most extreme combinations of mods even on T16


  • - Requires careful reading of the Guide!
  • - Endgame Amulet still kinda expensive (5-7ex)
  • - Rings can be a bit tricky to craft/find/buy


Skill Tree


UNDENIABLE > UNSTOPPABLE > UNFLINCHING > UNBREAKABLE - This is to greatly boost your leveling speed. Fast attack for leap-slam and movement speed etc.


Kill all - No Oak, cause the two points result in %5 Life nodes later. Only if you want to go beyond level 95.

Passive Tree

POE Betrayal Juggernaut Molten Strike Skill Tree


Gems Setup


[20/20] Molten Strike + [20/20] Multistrike Support + [20/20] Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + [20/20] Elemental Focus Support + [20/20] Fire Penetration Support/Ancestral Call Support


[20/20] Concentrated Effect Support/Increased Area of Effect Support

Movement Setup

You can pretty much choose whatever movement skill you like best. Bloodmagic is great for no-regen maps. Foritfy procs best of Leap Slam and Shield Charge.

[20/00] LeapSlam/Shield Charge/Whirling Blades + [20/20] Faster Attacks Support + [20/20] Fortify Support Support + [20/00] Blood Magic Support


These are our auras. Aspect of the Spider needs to be enchanted to a armor piece with an open suffix through beastcrafting. Herald of Ash is also viable. But you need an additional open socket. Anger is our main damage Aura.

[21/20] Anger + [20/20] Herald of Ash

CWDT Setups

This is for a lazy golem summoning and Molten Shell.

[20/00] Cast when Damage Taken Support + [20/00] Molten Shell [Optional due to lack of Sockets] + [20/20] Summing Ice Golem + [20/00] Immortal Call

This is especially cool. The tempest shield adds another 3% Block chances and lashes out every time we block something. This greatly helps proccing our "Elemental Overload". You can also use Warlords Mark or even Poachers Mark. Depending what kind of leech you want.

[01/00] Cast when Damage Taken Support + [07/00] Tempest Shield + [05/00] Enfeeble/WarlordsMark

Utility and Boosts

The Totem-Buddy greatly boost our Attack-Speed and does some good damage himself.

[20/00] Ancenstral Protector

Blood Rage is a great tool to boost our clearspeed. On bosses like uber elder you can even sustain frenzy charges because of the many small monsters spawning. The degen effect is entirely compensated by the super-solid life regen the build has. Level it as high as your dexterity allows.

[0X/20]Blood Rage





Budget Tips For League Starter

There are some pricey items in this build and youre wonderung how to overcome those obstacles.

The main Idea here is, to get your JUGG Uber-Lab ready. Uberlab always is a perfect way to make some really good currency early-league. For most Jugs builds this is a far as they can go. But for this JUGG you wanna see the Uber-Lab as a Training Camp to become ready to fight the big Evils of the PoE Universe.

How to Substitute for Grelwood Shank?

This is a really hard item to substitute and anything else will cost you alot of resources and damage. So getting a Grelwood Shank is your TIER1 priority. Either you get a good Rare onehand sword with high attack speed (2.0 is kinda good).

How to Substitute for Loreweave?

Another item that is pretty hard to replace. However ad good rare armor is mostly quite cheap and can be obtained as 6L from beastcrafting. The best base is an Astral Plate.

How to Substitute for Leech Rings?

Leech Rings often are kinda costly early league. And im not gonna lie, everything before getting some solid one feels really mediocre. A good alternative is the Thiefs Torment Ring. It can also be a bit costly but is worth the investment.

Another Alternative is to Run Blasphemy + Poachers Mark instead of Spider Aura or Herald of Ash. Its not super good gainst bosses but carries you quite far.


Quick Leveling Guide

We take Elemental Overload first, it really helps with damage while leveling. The Last thing we do is to fill out the Life wheel as you level higher.

Also we recommend leveling this build as Sunder until you begin to use the Grelwood Shank. Right now Sunder can level this way from 1-60 within 4 hours if you are really good. A perfect demonstration is this Video here from RaiZQT. Check out the video for all his great info.

Molten Strike is also quite viable as a leveling skill if you want to roll with that.

The links for this would be: Molten Strike - Ancestral Call - Faster Attacks(early)/Multristrike(at lvl38) - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Elemental Focus - Fire Penetration

Auras: Anger + Herald of Ash (Until Level 31)

Replace Herald of Ash with: Blasphemy + Poacher's Mark

Poachers Mark gives you all the Life/Mana-Leech you need for leveling. Blasphemy becomes available at level 31. If you have a Thief's Torment Ring already, you can stick with Herald of Ash. Later, once you have Elder Leech Rings, you can use Herald of Ash again


POB link: https://pastebin.com/re1iRveU

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