POE Synthesis Marauder Consecrated Path Juggernaut Build - Budget, Fire Damage, Endgame

R4PG Game Store Date: Feb/25/19 19:28:57 Views: 4040

Slams the ground at a targeted location. If an enemy is near where you target, you'll teleport to it from a short distance away, slam, and create an area of consecrated ground. Can't be supported by Multistrike, and requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Staff or Unarmed.

Consecrated Path was introduced as a new melee skill in 3.4. It creates Consecrated Ground when it hits that provides additional (6%) life regeneration. Added with the other sources of regen and damage mitigations the build benefits from it outweighs the drawback of the 200 fire damage taken pr. endurance charge pr. second from the Nebuloch's (wich also was lowered from 400 in 3.4)

POE Synthesis Marauder Consecrated Path Juggernaut Build - Budget, Fire Damage, Endgame


Quick Jump


Skill Tree 


Undeniable -> Unflinching -> Unyielding ->Unrelenting, Unbreakable

Passive Tree

PoE 3.6 Consecrated Path Juggernaut Passive Skill Tree


Gems Setup

Move the mouse on the bold poe skill gems to see needed mod

Body Armor

Consecrated Path + Melee Physical Damage Support + Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + Fire Penetration Support + Elemental Focus Support + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support

Take out Endurance Charge on Melee Stun if you only have a 5-link

Weapon 1

Ancestral Warchief + Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + Combustion Support


Armageddon Brand + Combustion Support + Cast when Damage Taken Support

When Combustion ignites an enemy they get -19% fire resist, it adds extra damage with the main skill.

Weapon 2

Blasphemy Support + Enfeeble + Herald of Ash + Flammability

Here you can choose to use Enfeeble or Flammability for either a defensive or offensive curse.


Leap Slam + Faster Attacks Support + Fortify Support + Blood Magic Support


Blood Rage + Enduring Cry + War Banner Summon Stone Golem


Purity of Elements if you have trouble geting enough resists from gear



For Starter Gear

The build requires 3 core items: the weapons, body armor and rings

Weapon is two of the Nebuloch's: Get two of these with at least 38% fire damage and 230 Pdps

Body armor is Loreweave: Get a minimum 5-link with 80% max resists, or link it with fuses

Rings are 2 Kaom's Sign, they provide the Endurance charges we need.

Helmet is Hrimnor's Resolve

Gloves are 1 socket Tombfist's, or yellow with life, attack speed and resists: Socket a Murderous Eye in Tombfist for Intimidate on Hit

Boots Is Kaom's Roots or rare with life, movespeed and resists, try to get with a open suffix that you can craft a resist with Haku. 

Amulet is yellow with life, physical attack damage, minimum 70% resists and dexterity. Try to get one with a open suffix so you can master craft a resist with Elreon.

Belt is a yellow Stygian Vise with life and Ele. Damage and resists.

Jewels is an important part of the build, we want 6 yellow ones of these with life, attack speed, and double resists. 1 Murderous Eye for the glove socket and any other Abyss Jewel in the belt.

Flasks are as follow

Move the mouse on the bold poe flask to see needed mod

Bubbling Divine Life Flask Of Staunching, Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline, Experimenter's Silver Flask of Warding, The Wise Oak, Lion's Roar, Experimenter's Sulphur Flask of Grounding


If you get this then these are some of the stats you will have at level 90:

  • 6000 Life
  • 250 000 DpS on a 5-link gem setup without flasks active
  • 9 Endurance charges
  • 30 000 Armor with charges up
  • 90% physical mitigation with charges up
  • 17% Block Chance
  • 1150 life regen pr. second
  • 1400 life leech pr. second
  • 80% max resistances
  • 115+% fire resistance with charges up
  • 115+% cold "
  • 115+% lightning "
  • 27% Chaos resistance


Endgame Gear Section

The following items will be what you upgrade to when you have the currency available.

Rings: 2 Kaom's Way

Boots: Kaom's Roots with +1 Endurance charge corruption "+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges"

Helmet: Fossil crafted Armor helmet with life, resists and Nearby Enemies Have -9% To Fire Resistance mod. Ideally also with a Consecrated Path lab enchant - Damage, radius or teleport range.

Eternal Burgonet

Consecrated Path deals 40% increased Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Burning Damage
+14 to Armour
+22 to maximum Life
14% increased maximum Mana
+41% to Fire Resistance
32% increased Burning Damage
Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance
+64 to maximum Life

Eternal Burgonet

Consecrated Path deals 40% increased Damage
12% increased Armour
+124 to maximum Life
3% increased maximum Life
+34% to Fire Resistance
6% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance
+13% to Cold and Lightning Resistances

Gloves: 2-socket Tombfists or 1/2-socket with Enfeeble on Hit "Curse Enemies with Level 10 Enfeeble on Hit"

Body Armor: A 6-linked good rolls Loreweave with 80% max resists. "Your Maximum Resistances are 80%"

Jewels: Double damage modded, %life, %resist rare yellow jewels

Belt: Stygian Vise with good stats. High life, a lot of resists and high damage.

Amulet: Xoph's Blood Unique amulet

Weapon: Nebuloch with a good corruption. Can be Fortify on Hit, Attack Speed, Phys. damage (Above 250 pDps)

  • "15% chance to Fortify on Melee hit"
  • "6% increased Attack Speed"



We suggest starting with Molten Strike and then switch to Sunder. It can be obtained after killing Merveil in Act 1. Link it with Added Fire Damage, Melee Phys, Faster Attacks, Ruthless support gems. After level 38 you can then buy Multistrike and add it to the Sunder setup.

In Act 2 we Kill All the Bandits for 2 Passive points.

From level 1 to 20 first take take the life nodes up to Born To Fight node, then head down to the Duelist area and take Art of The Gladiator.

Then go trough the Strong Arm node and up to Resolute Technique, pick it until you do the first Labyrinth Trial and choose Undeniable as Juggernaut.

This is where you equip the Nebuloch's, Kaom's rings and take Avatar of Fire and Elemental Overload!

Good leveling items

Lochtonial Caress, Goldrim, Wanderlust, Crest of Perandus, Meginord's Girdle, Tabula Rasa, The Screaming Eagle, Flesh-Eater, Belt of the Deceiver, Innsbury Edge, Chemist Quicksliver Flask Of Adrenaline, Elreon's Two-Stone Ring Of The Prism, Atziri's Foible


Level 68 Equipping Nebuloch's PoB-code: https://pastebin.com/Fxp3g5aK

PoB-code for level 90 with the gear posted in the Starter Gear section: https://pastebin.com/kW9qNP2s

PoB-Code for Level 100 with Xoph's Blood: https://pastebin.com/a44HHPKa

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