We like to do more than just tell you what the best place to buy poe currency in r4pg is! We are just as big POE fans as you are and one of the things that we love to do is find cool Path Of Exile builds and share them with the world that is why today we are telling you about this awesome Bow Blade Vortex Build from POE player and YouTuber, LiftingNerd Gamer. Bow Blade Vortex is not a build that many of us really thought about, but we gave this one a try and wanted to share a few of our thoughts with it.

First of all it is really powerful. From what we have seen once you are skilled enough, you should be able to take down pretty much anything that gets in your way.


Traps should never be an issue as there is so much damage mitigation with this build. The only way you will ever fall to a trap is if you are not paying attention when you are moving around the map and get stuck in one. So while you are not immune to traps, unless you waltz right into one traps should never be an issue with this build. So do not go looking for the best place to buy POE Orbs in r4pg to help boost your health because you have walked into a trap!


Shaper is not a problem with this build. One of the guys in the office used this build and can confirm that LiftingNerd Gamer is right. LiftingNerd Gamer took down Shaper four times with this build. As well as Shaper, he took down a bunch of guardians as well. We find this very impressive, especially as Shaper is known to cause many POE players a lot of headaches. Of course you will need to be pretty skilled at using the build before you can take down Shaper. But this does give you something to strive towards and shows what a powerful and useful build this is.


It is the Steelwood Bow along with the Soul Strike, Strike Point Arrow Quiver that allows for such serious damage and regeneration. Ok so we are simplifying this greatly and when you watch his video, he does go into amazing detail on how he has crafted this bow to be such a deadly weapon. But we have honestly not seen a build that does such high damage all the while offering such speedy regeneration in quite some time.


We know that builds like this Bow Blade Vortex Build can seem very daunting as there is just so much you have to do in order to get it just right. But as long as you follow the guide that is set out by LiftingNerd Gamer then you will be a Bow Blade Vortex master in no time.


So while we know that many of you come here to fond the best place to buy POE Orbs in r4pg (which we can help with of course) we also hope that you take the time to check out some awesome builds like this one.