Our blog post for today serves two purposes. First of all, if you are a fan of POE and you have not yet taken advantage of our awesome, Path Of Exile Orbs Hot Sale. Then make sure you go and do that as they are being sold for a ridiculously low price right now. But also we want to give you a little bit of info about these incredible Path Of Exile boss guides.


Pohx Kappa is one of the more popular Path Of Exile YouTubers out there and he has recently uploaded a video of himself giving a little heads up about boss battle guides. He also goes on about how the beta is doing and his progression in the game, but what really caught our attention was his pledge to do some in depth boss guides.


It is not for all the bosses as he does mention it will be level 5-7 bosses such as Carrion, Brine King, and Gruest to name a few. What we found interesting was the way he mentions the first video he recorded of these battles was during the early days of the battle so he did not really know what he was doing. But the upcoming videos are going to be much more in depth and show you the strategies you need to take down the bosses.


So if you are a fan of Path Of Exile and are looking for a good YouTube channel that really focusses on the game then make sure you have a look at Pohx Kappa as his YouTube channel is awesome.


Also if you want to really take your character to the next level then be sure to have a really good look at all the different Orbs we have in our Path Of Exile Orbs Hot Sale.