Anyway, in this week, we received 30+ greetings from global clients, we appreciate their warm greetings, we‘ve offer 5 x free POE Exalted Orb and 100 x POE Chaos Orb to every of them yesterday. Let’s see what do our customer discussing?

"P2Convenience == P2W when you can P2Convenience until you win (ex: Chinese Path of Exile's Pay to not lose XP on death)


Path of Exile is not P2W because stash tabs stop being useful after a certain threshold is reached, and that threshold is fairly low ($10?). It's more like pay to unlock the full game." ---by TommaClock


"What do you define as pay 2 win then? Would double XP be pay to win? Because I gain about 5% more XP vs a player that has to list their items with a third party application. And if I used 4 stash tabs I would have traded about 10 to 20% of the items I would of this league, so from purchasing extra stash tabs I got 500% more ingame currency. A possible work around with be having 7 accounts to have a pseudo 28 tabs, I would be cutting my actual play time in half though due to transfering items and swapping accounts.

So for a convenience that is giving me an absurd amount of ingame wealth." ---by Elijahph


"Try to play with 4 tabs and then say extra tabs are only convenience.

More tabs = more space = more item hoard = more trades = more currency = ez end game

I literally have to undersell every good unique i get because i just dont have any space in 4 tabs. so yes it is P2W if u want to do well in end game when u can clear maps in under 5 mins each

1- currency

2- cards + flask + rings amulets belts edit: forgot sextants aswell.

3- maps ( no more space now jst keeping them in my own invent lul )

4- essence / high currency / gems / splinters / offering / sacrifice

I personally think the biggest value for money is a currency tab. i have to keep converting jeweller / chrome / alteration to chaos to exalt every day if i play a lot." --- by Dota2_Ded_Game


"It just less actions really, the third party software has to update your stash and you have to send the updates for example. Not very time consuming on the players part but it is more of a hassle to deal with.

The time savings are measured in seconds so of no real importance. Now if you don't have a second screen on the other hand it becomes much more inconvenient as you have to tab in and out." ---by Redblade_


The discussion has come to the end. As a Path of Exile Currency sale website, we always thankful to every customer support!! R4PG Internet Game( appreciate all the participators and thank you for your trust. Your trust can build a communication bridge between us, and your help can make us grow faster.