Hey guys no doubt many of you have decided to buy Path of Exile currency or look for cheap POE orbs online so you have an awesome starter build for Atlas Of Worlds! But knowing where to start can be pretty tough. That is why today we are sharing with you what our top five starter builds for Atlas Of Worlds are.

Totem Scorching Ray


Totem Scorching Ray is a lot of fun and it allows you to play the game very smartly. You can set up your Totem Scorching Ray's and while they are damaging enemies you can run around picking them off. In the hands of the right player this can be a truly devastating build. But it does take a little bit of getting used to in order to get the best out of it.


Ground Slam


Power, speed and destruction that is what Ground Slam is all about. This is a great starter build if you like to get up close and personal with enemies and want to dish out quick, but still pretty heavy damage. For a beginner this is a skill that we very highly recommend as it is so easy to use.


Summon Raging Spirit


Many people who look for cheap Path Of Exile orbs online do so to build up this starter build to epic proportions! Ideal if you like to play the game fast, Summon Raging Spirit really does make you feel like an unstoppable badass who has a whole team of warriors behind you. It can take a little while to get the best out of this, but this is a build that can actually get you through most of the game.


Elemental Blade Vortex


Now this is cool! We really like how this one swirls round you causing damage and giving you protection. But if you are skilled enough you can also dish out some hand to hand damage as well. This is a starter build that does require a bit more skill to get the best out of it. But if you are the kind of player who wants to get through the first parts of the league as quickly as possible, you will really love it.


Tornado Shot


Things can get pretty heated in Path Of Exile and if you want to play in a way that keeps the enemies at arm's length. Then Tornado Shot is for you. You can do a fair bit of damage with this and at the same time, you do not have to get all that close to really get the best out of it. If you do not want to buy POE currency, but still want to get a lot out of the game then we think this is the class for you.