Over at the Path Of Exile forum the folks there have put together all the data from the Harbinger League and come up with many different lists of what the most popular parts of the game are. Right now we are looking at what the deadliest areas in the game are, where more players have died than anywhere else in the game!


1. The Feeding Trough

2. The Chamber of Innocence

3. The Cathedral Rooftop

4. The Harbor Bridge

5. The Hall of Grandmasters

6. Vaal Temple

7. The Harvest

8. The Karui Fortress

9. The Temple of Decay Level 2

10. The High Gardens

Right at the top of the list is The Feeding Trough. Now to be fair this is not something that is all that surprising as that is the part of the game where the end boss of the main Path Of Exile story is. Let's face it he is hard as nails so the fact that so many players have fallen here is not surprising at all, especially as it is quite the hard path to get there in the first place.


Another interesting thing about this list is that most of these areas have probably made the list not just because of the actual area. But because of the boss battle that is in them. When you think about it, most of the areas on this list have very hard boss fights. So it is great to see them on here as boss fights are supposed to be hard and if that is where most players are having a hard time with, the difficulty curve must be something Grinding Gear Games worked very hard in figuring out.


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