We offer the best deals on Path Of Exile Orbs online, but as huge fans, we love to talk to you about the game. We recently saw a very interesting video from Path Of Exile YouTuber, Pohx Kappa who decided that he wanted to get the Quill Rain and he did not want to get it the hard way. He wanted to use his Chance Orbs and see just how many it would take for him to get one.

We can see why he would want one, the Quill Rain is awesome as the fastest bow in the game, in the right hands it can be truly devastating and something that can be a lot of fun to use. We know that getting a unique in this kind of way may not be for everyone and some people would rather just go and buy one outright rather than going through this, but at least this is another way that you can do it and it can work out a heck of a lot cheaper than just going and buying one. Of course, if you want to make a lot of orbs, you can check this.


The method that he used saved him hundreds of Chaos Orbs and it showed that this is actually a viable way to get a Quill Rain. We are not sure if he got lucky and for someone else, it would take a lot more Chaos Orbs to make it happen, but the point is, it did happen and we would love to know if any of you guys have used this method. A couple of people in the R4PG.com office are going to give this a go and we will let you know how they got on.


Thanks for reading and be sure to check out the epic Hot Sale we have going on with our Cheap POE Currency and items.