POE Betrayal Ascendant Reave + DS+ BF Starter Build - High DPS, Cheap, Tankly, Good Mapping Speed

R4PG Game Store Date: Dec/03/18 00:13:32 Views: 3999

Reave is the vital skill in this build. Reave is a melee attack that deals damage in a small area in front of you, temporarily increasing the area of effect each time you hit an enemy.

This build does not need super high cost gear, and it is very good to starter for shaper kill. You can also easily do all contents but if you want to kill uber-elder very easily, you need some currencies (not very much).

POE Betrayal Ascendant Reave + DS+ BF Starter Build - High DPS, Cheap, Tankly, Good Mapping Speed


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Pros & Cons


  • + Low budget
  • + Hardcore possible.
  • + Easy 600 mine
  • + Tanky (all contents face-tank)
  • + High dps
  • + Good mapping speed
  • + Instant leech
  • + Good life regen
  • + Reflect possible
  • + Can use 3+ skill. (just change gem)
  • + All contents available
  • + tier 15-16 leveling available


- very few cases, you cannot face-tank when there is nothing to leech.


Skill Tree 



kill them all! (2 passives)


The Pantheon List

IF you love to use immortal call use arkaali,but i prefer solaris

solaris - usually use it

arakaali - we dont use immortal call before 92 level so i don't recommend it

both good. if long boss fight use tukohama.

Gruthkul - usually use it

Tukohama - if you have to attack boss long time while stationary.

Yogul - for reflect map.

Passive Tree

POE Betrayal Ascendant Reave + DS+ BF Skill Tree


Gems Setup

There is Two choice. all good. just do what you want.

Important: If you use VDS on body armour with bloodlust.

You have to use totem and reave for bleeding enemy so that your DS could work properly.

IF you dont like this style,

1.use chance to bleed gem instead of bloodlust.

2.Set DS on gloves.

3.Use Blade flurry.

All work well, just up to your style.

Choice 1



increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike - damage on full life-hypothermia


increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike


melee physical - damage on full life - multistrike - maim- bloodlust


melee physical - damage on full life - multistrike

Choice 2



increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike - damage on full life-hypothermia


increase area effect - melee physical- multistrike

blade flurry(body)

concentrate - melee physical - maim- bloodlust - hypothermia

blade flurry(gloves)

concentrate - melee physical - maim

Whirling blade


whirling blade - faster attack - blood magic

Ancestral warchief


ancestral warchief - blind - chance to bleed



(if you have deter watcher)

Enlighten - hatred - determination

(if not)

Enlighten- hatred- herald of purity - herald of ash or arctic armour



cast when damage taken - ice golem - blood rage - Immortal call



If you do cheap version, You can kill every contents easily,but you cant face tank uber elder.
if you want to be more stronger, you could invest like End version.

Cheap Version

Bloodseeker, Wraith Axe, Soldier Gloves, Abyssus, The Red Trail Titan Greaves, Loreweave, Holy Chainmail, Stygian Vise, Gloom Grip Diamond Ring, Beast Coil Diamond Ring, Onyx Amulet, Catalysed Eternal Life Flask of Staunching, Chemist's Diamond Flasks of Heat, Lion's Roar, Atziri's Promise, Chemist's Sliver Flasks of Warding

Endgame Version

Loreweave, Hydrascale Gauntlets, The Red Trail Titan Greaves, Bloodseeker, Opal Sceptre, Rift Knot Two-Stone Ring, Grim Grip Two-Stone Ring, Paua Amulet, Abyssus, Starkonja's Head, Sinner Tricorne, Stygian Vise, Headhunter, Catalysed Eternal Life Flask of Staunching, Chemist's Diamond Flasks of Heat, Lion's Roar, Atziri's Promise, Taste of Hate



This build is great (and easy) to level. I was able to complete the story in ~7 hours. Below is a breakdown of the recommended gear/items, and skill tree buildout.

First, we use Vaal Double Strike to level. Once you get Ancestral Call at 4, it's cake will take you all the way to using Reave. It also melts bosses.

To start, use VDS(Frost blade)+ AC+ Onslaught+ Bleed (you can use frost blade, smite on the body but have to put 4L - VDS on another position)

Level up all of the end-game gems listed below. I recommend buying them from the vendor with another character (if you can). If not, you'll get them as you progress. You want 2x swords or axes in your second weapons set with the proper colors to level gems you can't equip (or don't need).

Switch to Reave at 46 when you can use Ornament of the West - but swap in Double Strike for bosses and Lab until you get the Shaped gloves around 70

Gems Setup

  • main hand : blood magic +whirling blade +faster attack
  • Offhand: blind+ Vaal ancestral warchief+ chance to bleed
  • Helm: CWDT+ ice golem +blood rage + immortal call
  • Chest: Reave + damage on full life +Hypo+Multi+ melee physical + increased area effect
  • Gloves: VDS+ melee physical damage + Damage on full life +Multi
  • Boots: hatred+ enlighten(3)+ herald of purity + herald of ash

Gear Breakdown

  • 1: Redbeak x2
  • 1: Tabula
  • 1: Lochtonial
  • 1: Wanderlust
  • 1: Goldrim
  • 1: Blackheart x2
  • 5: Karui Ward
  • 6: The Screaming Eagle
  • 8: Meginord's
  • 10: Princess x2
  • 16: The Magnate Studded Belt
  • 20: + int Ring
  • 20: Tempestuous Steel (offhand)
  • 22: Praxis (-8 mana)
  • 28: Get Armor Flask
  • 28-29: Lakishu's Blade or Relentless Fury (main hand)
  • 30: Thief's Torment
  • 46: Ornament of the West
  • 49: Wyrmsign
  • 53: Prismatic Blade (offland)
  • 60: abyssus OR starkonja's head
  • 60-64: Stat Stick (offhand)
  • 62: Bloodseeker
  • 64: Loreweave
  • 68: The Red Tail Titan Greaves

Skill Progression

  • cold resistance + jewel socket
  • Path of the warrior
  • Constitution
  • Fangs of the Viper
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Assassination
  • Blood Drinker
  • Claws of the Pride
  • Claws of the Magpie
  • Soul Raker
  • Amplify
  • Divine Fervor
  • Holy Domination
  • Devotion
  • warrior's blood

After getting 'Path of duelist'
put duelists nodes 


POB link

  • Cheap version V1- https://pastebin.com/6GKtUFYX
  • End version V3- https://pastebin.com/TiSkfKRE
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