POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Guide

R4PG Game Store Date: Dec/17/18 22:30:35 Views: 7662

The new Syndicate and Safehouse system was introduced in the betrayal league of POE. Although the new content brings new challenges, there are many players who can't grasp the theme of POE 3.5. Below we will focus on some of the players' doubts about the betrayal league about Syndicate and Safehouse. This guide is created for this purpose.

POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Guide



1. Players will randomly encounter syndicated members in the map.

2. When you confront syndicated members, if you can not defeat them in limited time, they may escape.

3. After you defeat them, you have two choice, interrogate or bargain. If you meet the member with LV0 or LV 1, you’d better choose the right and if the member is LV2 or LV3, you can choose the left for the upgrade event.

4. You can acquire intelligence by interrogate and bargain on the safehouse of Syndicate. When the intelligence progress bar is full, you can choose to break through the safehouse (if not, you may suffer a slight loss of intelligence when you encounter syndicate members next time.)

5. When you first enter the Atlas, you who lacks confidence in your ability to survive is advised to take a detour, and wait until the map is cleared and try to come back to kill them.



Syndicate has a total of 17 members in addition to the leader.

POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Members


1. The initial level of the member is 0. It is increased by execution and betrayal, and the level is lowered by interrogate.

2. The higher the level is, the stronger the member ability is.


1. Members have an initial department by default

2. The player can change or remove the member's department by the negotiation after defeating the member.


1. Members will get equipment randomly during the game.

2, The equipment will strengthen the corresponding ability of the members, which will be directly displayed on the member card.


Department Encounter

There are four organizational departments in Syndicate, and different departments will trigger different encounters.

POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Transportation


1. It’s a cargo team encounter. When the player approaches, the team starts and travels to the target point according to the specified route within a specified time (the interface will show a progress of their route.)

2. The player needs to kill the team leader before the team reaches the end.

3. The cargo team will not stop once they are in fight.

4. If you are too far away from the cargo team, the leader will be out of combat and transferred back to the team position .

If you can't quickly kill the team leader, you can follow the team and attack them

POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Fortification


1. A fortress will be generated on the map.

2. The players need to break through the fortress gate within a specified time (when there are multiple gates, you can break any one), and if you do not break, the leader will escape.

3. When you attack the gate, the leader will be sent to the player and attack the players for a period of time, and then is sent back to the fortress. If the fortress is not broken, BOSS will not stay away from the fortress.

4, There is a summoner in the fortress, infinitely summoning monsters to attack the players (So you need to quickly break the gate. The monster is inexhaustible in case of insufficient damage.)

5. There is a totem in the fort, which returns the blood to the fortress leader and the monsters.

6. After breaking the gate, the leader can be taken out of the fortress to kill (If your damage is enough you can stay in the fort to kill it forcibly.)

7. After breaking the gate, BOSS will have a longer stay time.

8. After killing the BOSS, if you have need, you can clean up the Rejuvenation Totem in the fortress, in which there is a good drop rarity and drop amount.

POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Research


1. A basement will be generated in the map.

2. After the players enter the basement, the members begin to destroy the file, and the players need to kill them to stop their destroy.

3. The number of files that need to be retained each time is different. (After entering the basement, the interface will prompt accordingly.)

4. You can Directly clear all monsters by killing the leader. (RECOMMENDED!)

POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Intervention


1, Players will randomly encounter assassination time in the map

2, The assassin leader will be directly transmitted to players through the portal to assassinate.

3. If players die during this period, the assassin leader will disappear.

Sometimes it will suddenly appear when you are fighting, so players with insufficient viability can do bargain to minimize the number of members of the assassination department.




1. Interrogate option will appear on the left side of the character card.

2. Interrogate the member for three rounds. (the player considers each encounter as a round)

3. Interrogation members will receive 3 points of intelligence constantly from the department each round.

4. Interrogating members will make members lower by 1 level.

5. Members interrogated will also drop items.


1. The Bargain button appears on the right side of the character card.

2. Unlike interrogation, bargain has multiple ways to trigger one of them randomly .

  • Replace department
  • Get a lot of intelligence
  • Execute (the member will be resurrected and upgraded after the execution.)
  • Betray someone, gain intelligence, and lead to the hostility
  • Trust someone and cooperate with it.
  • Release all seized members and get a lot of intelligence.
  • Move someone out of syndicated.
  • Drops
  • Remove all equipment of a member of a department.

3. Some options may show an object who is not the currently defeated members, and you need to pay attention to it when choosing.

4. Players can divide different members into the corresponding departments or make them the leaders of the corresponding departments through different choices. (advanced way)


Organizational Relationship

POE Betrayal League Syndicate And Safehouse Organizational Relationship

There are subsidiary, cooperative, and hostile relations among the members of the organization.


1. In the picture they are linked by a yellow lines.

2. In the fight of the safehouse, all subordinate members of the department will appear.


1. In the picture, they are linked by green lines.

2. In the fight of players encountering the syndicate, other members who have a cooperative relationship with the current leader have a chance to come to help.


1. In the picture they are linked by red lines.

2. In the fight of players encountering the syndicate, the members who are hostile to the current leader have a chance to come to help you to fight.



1. Players obtain intelligence about different departments of safehouse in their interrogate with members of the organization.

2. After the intelligence progress bar is full, players can attack the safe house by Veiled Master Jun. (if not, you may suffer a slight loss of intelligence when you encounter other syndicate members next time.)

3. After launching the attack, there will be 6 portals, and players have 6 chances to enter the map.

4. Players enter different safehouse where there are different external scene (such as Fortification, you need to break doors to enter the safehouse)

5. After entering the safe house, when you fight with the leaders of the current safehouse, all affiliated members and leader partners will come to help.

6. After killing all members, be sure to go to other rooms in the safehouse to search for rewards!


Safehouse Rewards

1. The department is affiliated with different members and will affect the final reward of the safehouse of the department.

2. The safehouse defaults to a reward hall. In addition, each member will have a reward room, and different members provide different rewards. Members in different departments will provide different rewards. Players can distribute different departments for different members according to the rewards they want.

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