POE Synthesis Tempar Spell Totem Arc Hierophant Build - Easy, Cheap, Endgame

R4PG Game Store Date: Feb/25/19 20:57:18 Views: 4946

Supports spell skills that are not triggered. Instead of casting that spell, you will summon a totem that casts the spell for you.

Spell Totem is a support gem that modifies the supported spell so that instead of casting it directly, a totem is summoned that uses the linked spell. The totem has a range of 60 units. Skills supported by this gem can be additionally supported by Multiple Totems Support.

POE Synthesis Tempar Spell Totem Arc Hierophant Build - Easy, Cheap, Endgame


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Pros & Cons


  • + Cheap
  • + SSF viable cause no required uniques
  • + Many ways to push this build into endgame
  • + Save (cause totems and mom)


  • - Totemplaystyle isn't for everyone
  • - Constantly replaycing totems against AOE bosses can be annoying


Skill Tree 


  • Normal Lab: Pursuit of Faith
  • Cruel Lab: Ritual of Awakening
  • Merc Lab: Conviction of Power
  • Uber Lab: Divine Guidance


Help Alira

Passive Tree

POE 3.6 Spell Totem Arc Hierophant Passive Skill Tree


Gems Setup

6l Chest

  • Spell Totem Support, Arc, Added Lightning, Controlled Destruction,(5l) inc Crit Strikes, (6l) Lightning Penetration

Essence Worm

  • Wrath

4l Boots/Gloves/Helmet

  • Conductivity, Arcane Surge (lvl 12), Spell Cascade, Increased Duration
  • CWDT (lvl 1), Immortal Call (lvl 3), Increased Duration, Vaal Haste (if you want max lvl you will need some dex on your gear or tree)
  • Phaserun, Empower, Increased Duration Vaal Grace

3l Weapon/Shield

  • Flame Dash, Faster Casting, Portal
  • Summon Lightning Golem, Minion Life, Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance



In this Build, for the leaguestarter, the choice of gear is not the first priority, you should focus on the stats .


Look for a rare Kris or Wand with inc. Spell Damage, Lightning Damage to Spells, inc. Crit Chance for Spells and/or Global Crit Multi (For Endgame Shaper Dagger with Ele as extra Chaos and/or Pen) You can also try to craft one with inc. Minion Damage with Bound Fossils.

You can either dual whield 2 of them or go for a Spirit Shield with inc. Spell Damage, inc. Cast Speed, inc. Crit Chance for Spells and/or some maximum Life + Mana.


Look for a rare helmet with maximum Life, some resistance and maybe some Mana/Int. Bone helmet will increase your damage by around 5%.

Body Armour

Look for a rare body armour with some life and resistances for the start and later change to a shaper chest with the shaped suffix "Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chance" (the higher the better). The mod "#% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life" is also good for the build.


Maligaro's Virtuosity or any rare gloves with maximum life/mana and resistances


Look for rare boots with maximum life/mana, resistances and min. 20% movementspeed


Look for a rare belt with maximum life and some resistances. You can aim for a Stygian Vise for a free Abyss Jewel but it's not really needed.


Marylene's Fallacy for free Culling Strike and some DPS push or any rare amulet with maximum life, crit multi, crit chance, resistances.


Essence Worm is highly recommended for a "free" wrath aura which gives us almost 20% increased damage!!!

The other ring you should aim for a diamond or opal ring with maximum life/mana , resistances and some dex.


Hallowed Hybrid Flask with Antibleed

The Wise Oak but make sure that lightning resistance is your highest resistance otherwise the flask will not work! Also try to balance your resistances to get the best out of the Flask.

A Silver and a Diamond Flask with Anti Curse and Anti Freeze and a Quicksilver Flask with inc. Effect


1x Clear Mind not needed but will give us mana reg and round about 8% dmg increase.
The other slots we want to fill with Abyss Jewels with the following mods:

  • Maximum life
  • Maximum Mana
  • Crit Chance
  • Crit Multi
  • Flat Lightning Damage to Spells

For leveling we would recommend using Freezing Puls from lvl 2-12, Arc selfcast from lvl 12 till you got the "Ancestral Bond" node on the passiv tree. Than you can fully switch to Arc Totems


POB: https://pastebin.com/fcxMqzmJ

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