DFO Chaos Knight Guides

R4PG Game Store Date: Apr/17/15 01:36:36 Views: 5617

Welcome to my 2nd guide ever for DFO Chaos Knight made by Yoowy / Zepi. The Chaos Knight sub class is a face-roll fixed poor man class. Chaos Knight works like a summoner with less reliance on AI! Please note this is strictly semi opinion based you can play how you want but I suggest following this guide up to you tho

DFO Chaos Knight Guides

Commonly used terms
Soldier(s)- Refering to demons in Soldier tech tree all melee demons are "Soldiers"
Magician(s)- Refering to demons in Magic tech tree all ranged demons are "Magicians"
Demons- Refering to both Soldier/Magician summons
Chaos- The sub class

- Each subclass has quests to unlock new shields to equip.
- Acquired shields are stored in their own menu which can be accessed from inventory screen.
- Shields can be registered in their own quick swap menu to be switched during combat using the Change Shield skill

Common shared Knight skills

Shield Upper
Uppercut for Knights nice spin. leave at 1

Sand Kick
Kicks sand in front to blind enemies, reduce their movement speed, and increase your own evasion. Pretty good skill not a bad use of SP on Chaos but leave at rank 1

Shield Stark
A two-hit chain with the shield that stuns enemies for 1 second. Has a very low cool-down.

Perfect Guard
Automatically guards enemy attacks like weapon master's auto guard. However, it only blocks one hit in a multi hit combo but reduces the damage of that hit by 95%. Has a 15 second cooldown on the trigger, it can save you from huge blows, especially in true ancients and OV. Personal preference to max

Wheel of Fate
The Knight's basic grab. It sucks in enemies then throws them up in the air and traps them in a cog for a short time. A good grab, but leave at rank 1.

The knight jumps up to a airborne enemy and spikes them downward like a volleyball, creating a shockwave upon enemy hitting the floor. Useless

The knight leaps at the nearest enemy, landing on top of them with a downward sword thrust. The skill does extra damage if the enemy is airborne or knocked down. useless

Shield Block
Works like slayer's guard, can block a attack and counterattack upon successful defense. Useless

Defence Stance
Allows the Knight to move forward and leap forward while using Shield Block. Leap input is double-tap a direction key. Only as useful as Shield Block is. useless

The knight slashes downward and temporarily breaks the enemies armor and weapon. Can be charged to fire a ranged attack. (This is probably the only skill you would want from the common tree) Preference

Reduces defense and attack power of enemies by 20% at a 100% chance when maxed
It lasts ~2 seconds uncharged, ~6 seconds charged

Lethal Stab
A forward thrust attack that can be charged for additional damage. Low damage. Useless

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This guide was exhaustively created & maintained by SisterSuplex. One of, if not the most OP FGraps I've ever had the pleasure to watch & learn from.