[3.6] Hot PoE Synthesis Ranger Builds - Deadeye | Raider | Pathfinder

R4PG Game Store Date: Mar/04/19 02:16:35 Views: 7199

Grinding Gear Games has announced Path of Exile: Synthesis, its newest expansion and Challenge League for its free-to-play action RPG Path of Exile. The Ranger is Path of Exile's pure dexterity class. R4PG lists some PoE Synthesis Ranger Deadeye, Raider, Pathfinder builds for starter that can help players quickly leveling, funny and interesting. There are also many powerful builds that can endgame. For old players, if you haven't tried these builds before, there is no harm in trying it. 

[3.6] Hot PoE Synthesis Ranger Builds - Deadeye | Raider | Pathfinder


Hot 3.6 Deadeye Builds

Tornado ShotPOE Synthesis Ranger Tornado Shot Deadeye Build - Budget, Voidfletcher, Endgame

The bulk of this build is designed around using

POE 3.5 Voidfletcher

Voidfletcher - Corrupted

Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow
Consumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level 20 Void Shot when you fire Arrows
Adds 34 to 93 Cold Damage to Attacks
+82 to maximum Energy Shield
+30% to Cold Resistance
+32 Mana gained on Kill
30% increased Projectile Speed
5 Maximum Void Charges
Gain a Void Charge every second

In particular, the build is designed around using Void Shot. Void Shot is a triggered skill that fires an arrow to the targeted point, which will then explode after a short delay... it's kinda a reskinned version of the exploding shot those crossbow enemies in act 5 fire at you.


Tshot for single-target, Ice shot to clear, and the mirage archer on ice shot helps pick off stragglers or clear other packs automatically. Firing off one ice shot against a boss will get the mirage archer procced to auto-fire for a few seconds while you switch to using tshot, effectively allowing you to attack with your single-target setup while mirage archer adds a little bit more by attacking with about ~35% of your ice shot's dps.


Path of Building Link links: https://pastebin.com/ah85UTaE


Scourge ArrowPOE Synthesis Ranger Scourge Arrow Deadeye Build - Easy Mapping, Boss Killer, Uber Elder


  • + Easy and Achievable Items. No League Specific or Legacy Items are needed. All you really need are some Uniques with Life & Elemental Resistances on Rare Gear. No need to stack 10+ Abyss Jewels.
  • + Adaptable. You can easily swap out some gear and skills to suit your own play style. e.g Tornado Shot or Lightning Arrow for clearing/mapping.
  • + Easy Map Boss Killer. Uber Elder, Shaper and (Shaper/Elder) Guardians are cut and dry, no extra mechanics needed, just need to know their basic mechanics and you'll be fine.
  • + 5.6K+ Life. With a bit of investment in gear, you can EASILY achieve a life pool above 5.6K, this build usually ends up around 5.7K to 6.1K of Life.
  • + Start Build Friendly. The template of this build can be a nice starter build for a Temp League, no need to respec or level a new character just to play this build.
  • + Beginner Friendly Endgame. Once you get use to the Scourge Arrow mechanics, you can just simply fire away from a safe distance and the Thorn Arrows (from the Spores) does most of the work for you.


  • - Cannot do REFLECT Maps.
  • - Cannot do Hall of Grandmasters. Only a few builds are dedicate to doing and farming this map. This build definately isn't one of them.
  • - Leech Rate. Unlike Barrage where you fire continuously and maintain a level of DPS and Life Leech, Scourge Arrow can't to that, so you can't face tank Endgame contents.


Path of Building Link links:

Build Template V1: https://pastebin.com/TYrSmpr9

Build Template V2: https://pastebin.com/HWzEFzAV



Hot 3.6 Pathfinder Builds

Storm CallPOE Synthesis Ranger Vaal Spark / Storm Call Pathfinder Build - Fast, Cheap, Shatter Sound


  • + Very very very VERY Fast
  • + Not that expensive
  • + Can be played as MF
  • + INSANE clear
  • + Shatter sound


  • - Hard to get back in if you run out of charges
  • - Can't do end-game content (Shaper, Uber Elder...)
  • - Can't do ele reflect maps



Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/Us43c789


Toxic RainPOE Synthesis Ranger Agony Toxic Rain Pathfinder Build - High Clear Speed, Great Damage


  • + decent AOE
  • + great single target damage without Barrage or Elemental Hit
  • + great clear speed with usual high Pathfinder mobility
  • + permanent flask uptime
  • + no need to PIERCE heavily, like in CA setup
  • + REFLECT IMMUNE (all reflect!)
  • + 45-65% dodge


  • - Still pretty squishy as relies mostly on acrobatics and Evasion.
  • - stacking Virulence is harder with slow bow
  • - 111 INT required for proper gearing


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/KJGT2t3z


Hot 3.6 Raider Builds

BarragePOE Synthesis Ranger Barrage Raider Build - Easy, High DPS, Endgame


  • + No legacy Gear
  • + No Abyssus
  • + No weapon swap
  • + No Mirrored items
  • + 7+ mil dps
  • + 160%+ move speed
  • + Clears all content


  • - not for every player 


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/pDMacLxr


Molten StrikePOE Ranger Molten Strike Raider Build - Cheap, Tanky, League Starter


  • + Cheap league starter.
  • + Can clear all content. Including Uber Atziri, Shaper, Uber Elder, Hall of Grandmasters
  • + Can run all map mods with small adjustments.
  • + Easy minimalist playstyle.
  • + Very tanky.
  • + Loads of DPS from beginning to end game.
  • + Variation available.
  • + Can have very fast movement speed for map clear and Uber lab farming.
  • + Can farm uber lab.
  • + Molten Strike finally got an MTX.


  • - Molten Strike finally got an MTX (potentially incoming nerf).
  • - Can get expensive for optimal version.
  • - Not the fastest zoom zoom clear speed around.


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/AVTXr8d0

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