Diablo 3 vs Path of Exile 3.1: Comparison


This overview is designed to compare Diablo 3 patch 2.6.1 with the 3.1 version of Path of Exile. Since direct comparisons often overlook their application based on different types of players, four reference types have been created. There is a weight value for the category which defines how "important" it traditionally is compared to other categories. Each game than scores their over weight value within the category. There are also identifiers for shoving appeal to Casual players more than Hardcore, and site versa. This approach was designed to provide additional reference when considering both player types for the winning games (based on weight) in each category and the final score.


For purposes of this comparison, the Casual Player Is defined as an individual who prefers systems that are not overly complex, focuses on fun factor more than challenge, enjoys balanced rewards, and low-risk gameplay. Casual players are deterred by severe punishment and loss.


The use of this icon emphasizes the game's category appealing more to a casual player.


The category weight system ranges from a value of 1-5 relative to how applicable the category is given the type of games compared, in this vase, ARPGs. This value is used to multiply the final value in each category for the winning game.


The Game weight system ranges from a value of 0-5 relative to how the game scores in the particular category. This is used to multiply the final value in each category for the winning game.

For purposes of this comparison, the Hardcore Player is defined as an individual who prefers complex systems, focuses on challenge and strategy, and prefers high rewards related to high skill levels and risk. Hardcore players are also much more accepting of punishment and loss.

The use of this icon emphasizes the game's category appealing more to a hardcore player.




The Diablo 3 storyline, including the voice acting, is very well done and integrates well into the player's adventure through the game world. It is also quite diverse.


The story of Path Of Exile is very dark and disturbing, but the nature of the game has players focus more on playing rather than the story.


Let's be honest. Storyline isn't very important to the majority of ARPGers. But, Diablo 3 ha a much more in-depth and expansive storyline than Path Of Exile. I'm not saying it's a great storyline, but it's enough so that Diablo 3 wins.



The world of Diablo 3 is dark yet diverse, taking players through catacombs, desert regions, swamps, frost-covered hills and demonic lairs. It also does an excellent job of conveying a "larger picture" with battles in the distance and gigantic tortured demons struggling to break their chains.


There's no question Grinding Gear Games has done a great job creating a diverse world, and with the latest expansions, numerous new areas have been added, which expands the overall world content players can experience.


Diablo 3 wins by offering more visually diverse areas, which are also higher quality in presentation. But Path Of Exile still does very well in this category as the zone generation diversity is greater than that of Diablo 3. One important note about Path Of Exile is the persistence of slain enemies adds a lot to the environment; the bodies don't disappear. They pile up.


Side Areas

Diablo 3 introduced Set Dungeons with new Patch. These are side areas where players can run against a unique set of requirements in order to obtain cosmetic items, pets, and complete achievements (including extra stash space). But you get no other reward (no gear, experience, etc.) The problem is they were terribly implemented and most players avoid them because they are not any "fun" and provide no real rewards.


Path Of Exile introduced the New Map System with the War for the Atlas expansion, requiring players to run through trials to gain access to the final Lords Labyrinth. Only through the Labyrinth can a player gain points to spend in the new War for the Atlas tree. Grinding Gear Games also recently added 2 more War for the Atlas points through the "Uber" New Map, which is unlocked by running trials found only in maps. The New Map changes on a daily basis and has been met with mixed feedback; many players despise the New Map because it forces them to engage in twitch response dodging and and puzzle solving to obtain end-game character progression. Others like the challenge. If you die in the New Map, you have to start it again from the beginning, but if offers numerous rewards for those who can complete it.


Path Of Exile wins. While the New Map System is tedious, it offers a lot of innovative and constantly shifting content. Additionally, players can gain good experience, find valuable items, enhance their gear, and acquire War for the Atlas points. I believe requiring all players to participate in this system for end-game character progression is a mistake. It should be optional as many (if not a majority of) players have no interest in dodging traps and solving puzzles. That's not why they play an ARPG.


Path Of Exile earns a Hardcore qualifier because the New Map is very tedious/difficult and really only caters to hardcore players.


Creatures & NPCs

Diablo 3 features numerous creatures, generally associated with the region you are in. The NPCs are also very interactive, with great voice acting. Once a player begins to run rifts, the creatures get "mixed up", making that cemetary once full of skeletons now full of goat people and flesh-eating worms different and interesting. Diablo 3 features normal, champion (blue), rare (yellow) and bosses/uniques (purple). The tougher monsters can have a number of affixes, changing their behavior and making them more dangerous.


Path Of Exile has a variety of creatures, the origins of which are generally based on region, including twisted experiments and torture. The game also provides numerous variations of base creatures. For example: there are more than 20 different types of a Skeleton, some swinging axes with others cast cold spells. Path Of Exile also features normal (white), magic (blue), rare (yellow) and unique /boss (gold) monsters, but what's very cool is the affixes (especially with nemesis) can vary to an unpredictable degree. Wandering spirits can also possess rare and unique monsters, changing their behavior dramatically. And finally we have Rogue Exiles, which are essentially hostile custom-built NPCs.


Path Of Exile wins due to sheer diversity of behavior, creature affixes & variations. This also includes augmentations by spirits and encounters with Rogue Exiles, which adds a dynamic layer to the gameplay experience beyond what Diablo 3 has to offer.


Path Of Exile earns a Hardcore qualifier in this category because many of the bosses and attributes on the creatures can be devestating, often resulting in death. At end-game, a Path Of Exile player must be very cautious based on the attributes of rares and bosses, especially when spirits are involved, especially given the death penalty.


Character Appearance

Diablo 3 has a "transmog" system where you can pay a bit of gold to change the look of the equipment you have based on other items you have found (of the same type). Unfortunately there are no enhanced effects or augments you can apply on top of a base item transmog (e.g. putting flames on a sword).


Path Of Exile offers a diverse set of customization features through its online store, which include item transformations, visual enhancements (e.g. flames on weapons), replacements for action-based objects (such as totems) and unique additions such as bloody wings and a crazy moose skull helmet complete with horns.


Path Of Exile wins. While the Path Of Exile character appearance system is microtransaction based, the visual variety of different characters (observable in town with other characters) is far beyond what Diablo 3 offers.



Diablo 3 has more than 450 achievements in the game, many tied to exploration, seasons, class play and skill execution challenges.


While Path Of Exile offers achievements, there are only 84 and they rarely present themselves. However they have enhanced the game with new league challenges, which have grown in enjoyment and rewards.


Diablo 3 wins. Path Of Exile is not an achievement oriented game, where Diablo 3 dishes them out left and right, and gives the player a great feeling of accomplishment and progress beyond leveling.



Diablo 3 has no form of player housing. 


Path Of Exile added Hideouts with it's 2.4 release, allowing players to build out their own "home" complete with masters, stash access and crafting tables. The volume of decorations and visual adjustments one can make to their hideout is extensive.


Path Of Exile wins. They've done a fantastic job as the first "current generation" ARPG to add a fun and useful form of housing, which includes inviting others and leveraging the hideout as a functional base of operations.


Mechanics & Gameplay


Diablo 3 focuses on core classes with change skill selections and runes. reason, there is rarely a need another character of the same you can change things on the fly.


Path Of Exile offers the most dynamic and complex skill tree of any ARPG. Due to the nature and size of the tree, the game entice creation of multiple characters based on "builds" rather than classes. The game also has skill gems, which have quality, level and corruption variations. The diversity is industry-defining.


Path Of Exile owns this category. While the Diablo 3 skill system is more simplified and "fun" for most players (and can be changed on the fly), the sheer diversity and strategy in building out a Path Of Exile character is fantastic. The only downside is the Path Of Exile Skill tree is quite complex and often overwhelming to casual players, catering more to Hardcore players.



Diablo 3 has numerous quests spread throughout the world (many of which are are to encounter), including end-game bounty guests, but they are very repetitive.


Path Of Exile has standard progression-based quests, but also added dynamic quests offered by Masters you can encounter throughout your journey (including map runs). Masters also offer daily quests. 


Diablo 3 wins this category, but not by much. The reason is because there are more quests with interaction results. but Path Of Exile deserves honorable mention for the addition of Master Quests.



Diablo 3 has three followers available that you can equip with items and skills. They are very useful and help when running solo.


While Path Of Exile allows for temporary companions (i.e. zombies, golems) the game doesn't have any real companion system where you can equip, level and assign behavior to a persistent companion.


Diablo 3 wins because Path Of Exile doesn't have a real companion system (the golems were a nice addition for 2.0, but they are temporary as well). What would be very cool is if Path Of Exile let you build out an exile companion, complete with equipment.



Diablo 3 combat is silky smooth, provides floating damage values, and is very responsive. The game visually synchronizes well with character attacks and monster abilities, and represents dangerous situations quickly and efficiently. Each class has a different combat-related feel (and role), and the monsters engage in a variety of core death-dealing attack styles paired with dynamic enhancements, such as chains, reflect, explosion, etc.


Path Of Exile's combat model is very intense and involved because of so many variations tied to monster affix combinations and character skills (paired with support gems). This includes stuns, freezing, teleporting, exploding, puncturing and so much more. There are no damage values displayed, so a player must gauge how quickly a target "melts" to determine the impact of damage. The overall combat model of Path Of Exile is one of (if not the) most advanced on the market for an ARPG.


Combat is one of the most important features for any ARPG. How fluid, responsive and dynamic the experience is for a player brings the game to life. Diablo 3 is very refined and provides numbers to show the damage you are doing whereas Path Of Exile does not. However, the combat in Path Of Exile is much more complex and dynamic than that of Diablo 3, catering more to Hardcore play styles. With 2.0 fixing the desync issues, both games Tie for this category.



The progression in Diablo 3 is well-done. Characters level up at a good and balanced pace, and the player can control their level of difficulty. The paragon system allows players to build their character long after they reached max-level, and extracting legenday powers with the Cube also adds adds to the overall progress of a player's account. It's a good design for a game that focuses on extended play and advancement for each character.


Starting out, things move at a good and enjoyable pace. Once you hit level 80 things really begin to slow down, and you're forced to run maps in order to gain reasonable experience. By 85, the game becomes a crawl, even while running maps. Reaching level 100 is near impossible. While one can level experience gems, it doesn't really count as true "character progression". The Labyrinth system also becomes a tedious requirement to obtain Ascendant points.


This is a tough one, but I give it to Diablo 3, which has a well-designed end-game advancement system where Path Of Exile does not. The Diablo 3 progression system also caters more to Casual gamers. On the other hand, Path Of Exile is designed to entice players to build multiple characters, which Diablo 3 is not. The problem is Path Of Exile players who enjoy a "main" character hit a brick wall in progressing due to the map requirements and death penalty, which caters more to Hardcore players. The near total majority of all Path Of Exile players will never hit max level (or come close).


Reward, Treasure & Loot

Diablo 3 rewards players with a combination of character progress, achievements, currency (gold and blood shards), crafting materials and item drops, which are now custom tailored for the character's class. Treasure Goblins (including the new ones that drop pets) are always fun, and that bright "ping" sound with the golden light shooting into the sky from a legenday can be very exciting. The new Cube extraction and crafting system also adds an extra level of reward to the game.


The core reward of Path Of Exile revolves around item and currency drops. There are also key nodes in the skill tree that make a huge difference in play style. The fact a brand new character can find the most valuable currency in the game is very invigorating. Add on top of this the ability to create a character build specifically designed for more and better item drops, the player can be aptly rewarded for most everything they do. This is a very good design, and allows the potential for great drops for all characters.


Tie. Both games are rewarding in different ways. While the rewards in Diablo 3 are designed to focus on and build the currently played class. (and there isn't really a reason to build multiple characters of the same class), Path Of Exile is designed to have players create numerous characters with varying skills. This is endorsed by completely random item drops, thus enticing Path Of Exile players to create different builds. Ultimately, Diablo 3 rewards focused class play whereas Path Of Exile rewards play in general (regardless of class).



Diablo 3 is a game that anyone can jump into and enjoy. It has selectable difficulty settings so a player can choose how challenging they want to game to be. It provides a good balance of features and complexity as a player progresses, but it never gets too complex, just more difficult. 


Path Of Exile is a very complex and unforgiving game, designed more for hardcore players and much more difficult than Diablo 3. By the time a player enters merciless, if they don't have the right resistances, they will get creamed. Also, players who do a "bad" buildout can find their character unsalvageable (to play end-game) and have to start over. 


Some players prefer difficult games while others prefer casual games. However, some games can be so difficult they do not appeal to a majority of gamers. Given this consideration, Diablo 3 wins here because it's easier for the average player to jump in and enjoy. Hardcore players can also enjoy Diablo 3 as well. Path Of Exile is more complex (sometimes to the point of losing fun factor), and is a much more hardcore game than Diablo 3.


Consumables & Regeneration

Diablo 3 utilizes potions (including legendary versions) on a per charge/time basis. There is a very limited selection as most regeneration is tied to Life on Hit, etc.


Path Of Exile uses flasks that can heal, restore mana, increase speed, etc. It also allows flasks to be crafted with modifiers to address freezing, bleeding, etc. Flasks are recharged based on killing monsters.


Path Of Exile wins because of the diverse customization available with their flask system. 


Death System

Diablo 3 has a revive system that causes some durability loss which is easily recovered. Greater Rifts have a countdown timer, and when you die in Hardcore, the character is gone forever. When not playing in Hardcore mode, death in Diablo 3 is an inconvenience and doesn't "take" from the player.


Path Of Exile's death system has experience loss (based on difficulty level) and revival at the last checkpoint. While desync has been fixed for most, the death system of Path Of Exile takes from the player and results in anger and frustration at end-game. The only good thing is hardcore characters are moved to standard when they die, so you can keep playing them.


Diablo 3 wins. The death penalty in Path Of Exile is unnecessary and just angers most players. For clarity, once a player hits level 90+, a single death can cost days of gameplay. I know many players who have quit Path Of Exile (or abandoned their characters) solely because of the death penalty, especially at high levels. On the other hand, a number of Hardcore gamers support the death penalty system of Path Of Exile.


Learning Curve

Diablo 3 is easy to jump into and grows at a reasonable pace. It's not a complex game and doesn't require the player to really start learning optimal setups until end-game. Diablo 3 also allows excellent control over the game difficulty. Tired of dying? You can still play and have fun in Torment III vs. VII.


Path Of Exile is a very complex game that takes time to learn. It is also very unforgiving. Long before end-game, new players find themselves dying often and not understanding the in-depth balanced needs of their resistances, hit points, mana regeneration, etc. to survive.


Diablo 3 wins. It is much more inviting to new players and caters to Casual gamers. While Path Of Exile starts off pretty simple, new players are quickly overwhelmed by the skill tree, are confused by the skill gem (and Iink) system, and are eaten alive by elemental attacks, surprise exiles, and other "extreme" killing mechanics. But Hardcore garners thoroughly enjoy these complex systems.



Diablo 3 has Seasons. Unfortunately, they have grown monotonous and underwhelming, offering few enhancements. The Diablo 3 team needs to step things up a notch to make new Seasons worthwhile.


New leagues are launched every 3 months or so and contain new features, poe items, skills, and a fresh economy. The game also regularly runs mini-events which are a lot of fun.


Path Of Exile dominates this category. While Diablo 3 was getting better at making Seasons more enjoyable, they have become stagnant and repetitive. They could learn a lot from Path Of Exile.


End Game

The end-game of Diablo 3 revolves around Rifts, Greater Rifts, Bounties and filling your Cube. While normal rifts are fun, they can become too easy for "built out" characters, turning into unchallenging farming runs which become repetitive and often boring. Greater Rifts, which are required to acquire and level up legendary gems, do provide more of a challenge, but break the "fun" barrier later on with "waiting to revive" death mechanics and ultra-hard mobs often resulting in 1-shot deaths.


While Path Of Exile has masters and daily missions, and now the Labyrinth, the end-game really resolves around running maps, which range from level 68-82, and can be crafted into custom challenges complete with nasty bosses and dynamic mini-events such as master missions, strongboxes, exiles and spirits. There are also Atziri runs. Invasion bosses can also be added to end-game maps.


Path Of Exile has great diversity through maps, exiles, strongboxes, master missions and vaal instances. There are also many dynamic mini-modifiers that can take place, such as spirits modifying a boss or exile. On top of that we have the Labyrinth and the ability to customize end-game maps. But end-game difficulty paired with the death penalty adds a very negative experience to this category, except to some Hardcore gamers. While it does cater more to Casual players, Diablo 3 wins because it is is void of the frustrations so many have with Path Of Exile.



Replayability for Diablo 3 involves building other classes, re-running the end-game content (Rifts and Greater Rifts), hunting for better items, doing bounties, spending blood shards, and Cube crafting (which includes legendary extractions).


Path Of Exile has excellent replayability through creating new and unique character builds and exploring how far those builds can go in the end-game content. Crafting in Path Of Exile also adds a very diverse and addictive mechanic that has long-lasting impact on gameplay and the economy.

Path Of Exile wins this category because it has extensive replayability through multiple (and in some regards nearly limitless) character builds paired with dynamic events and craftable map modifiers.




Diablo 3 follows the traditional white, blue, yellow, green (for set), and dark gold (for legendary) item approach. With the Cube, crafting has been greatly reed, ensuring all item drops serve a pigtose ry power (salvaging, crafting, legendary extraction, etc). Diablo 3 also has an intelligent drop system that monitors how often you get legendaries and ensures class drops.


Path Of Exile follows the traditional model as well, but the rares (yellows) can be much more powerful and even best in slot. There are no set items in Path Of Exile. Uniques are the equivalent of legendaries, but the drop rate is very low compared to Diablo 3, and the drops are random, not related to the build you're running. Also, no items in Path Of Exile are bound, so everything can be traded, even if it has been used.


While Diablo 3 has redefined and greatly enhanced the crafting system with the Cube, Path Of Exile still wins this category for item diversity to augment items (including whites, strongboxes and maps) and create builds around a combination of uniques. Also, because of the skill gem/tree system, set items really aren't necessary in Path Of Exile. 



Diablo 3 greatly enhanced the crafting system with the Cube and simplification of crafting materials. By adding new recipes to extract powers, convert items to legendaries and create set items, players are now able to pursue crafting of nearly any item in the game. The mystic also allows for item augmentation, and the blacksmith allows for salvaging and general item creation.


Crafting in Path Of Exile is amazing and the most advanced of any ARPG. The entire game and economy revolves around the crafting materials. All white item drops can be crafted, some even into uniques. Add the new masters crafting tables and you have a system that is vast and diverse. Completing the Labyrinth also offers specializes item enhancements.


Even though Diablo 3 has enhanced crafting with the Cube, Path Of Exile still wins this category. The only comment is the crafting system of Path Of Exile is so extensive it can be overwhelming and complex for casual players, thus catering to Hardcore players, especially for end-game crafting.



Mobs in Diablo 3 drop gold, which is used to repair, craft and enchant. One can also acquire blood shards which can be used to gamble on items. To address the lack of a money sink, Diablo 3 added the ability to empower a greater rift, allowing for one more gem update attempt.


There is no gold in Path Of Exile. All treasure comes in the form of items which are either equipment, skill gems, maps or orbs, and every Path Of Exile currency item can be used in support of crafting and serves as the basis of all trading. The core currency for Path Of Exile are Chaos orbs and Exalted orbs.


Path Of Exile wins this category with their unique and diverse variations of crafting-related currency. Even though Diablo 3 added the empowered rifts, it's a pretty mindless money sink and will' eat through your gold in no time.


Inventory & Stash

The Diablo 3 character inventory is large enough to not be frustrating, but the stash is limited to 5 tabs, and many players agree it's not enough space to store all of the useful items a player can find. This often results in many players creating "mule" characters. An additional stash tab can now be acquired by completing seasonal achievements.


Path Of Exile has a standard sized character inventory but the item sizes can be quite large which results in your inventory filling rather quickly. The stash is quite large and one can purchase as many extended stash tabs as they want, allowing for the collection of hundreds (and even thousands) of items. Sadly there is no sort option.


Tie. While Path Of Exile does allow for a near unlimited number of stash tabs (for a price), this is because the nature of the game requires players to keep a lot of items for build variations and character building. The reason Path Of Exile doesn't win here is because the character inventory fills up too quickly and it's annoying to constantly run back to town after picking up just a few items.



Diablo 3 only allows for trading between party members, and only when the item dropped while the players were grouped. There is no other trading. While some have issues with this, it has shown a singular drop system does work, and can work very well. There just isn't any true trade-based economy other than drops while running with friends.


Trading is a key part of Path of Exile and the unique crafting currency system is usually at the center of most deals. While the trade channel is crazy busy, it's usually so overwhelming that players can't use it efficiently. Grinding Gear Games has taken the first step in refining the trading system by allowing prices to be set within item tabs and automatically published on the poe.trade or buy poe currency on r4pg website. As for how to learn to buy low and sell high, you can check poe 3.1 farming. This helps greatly when selling items.


Path Of Exile wins this category, but the lack of a fully integrated in-game trading system is a growing problem. The first step was taken with the new sales tab features, but still Grinding Gear Games needs to prioritize the creation of a complete in-game trading system. This would support a better-regulated economy and help players quickly research, understand and clarify the going market rate for items. Due to the complexity of researching the market value for items, end-game trading caters more to Hardcore gamers.



Social Channels & Population

Diablo 3 features Battle.net integration and a standard friends list which notifies you when friends log on, off, etc. Characters will auto-join class-based chat rooms where others are talking, but that's all they are exposed to from a "community perspective" without manually looking up and joining a specific themed channel. Unless you play in a group, you feel alone. There are millions of people playing Diablo 3, but you feel disconnected from them.


Path Of Exile features a friends list, which is very standard, but what really makes the game stand out is the ability to see other players while you're in town. This adds a strong sense of active community to the game and also entices communication between players ("Hey! That's an awesome sword! What is it?"). While the Trade Channel and General Chat Channel are often spam central, you don't feel alone in the game because the town hubs integrate other players.


Path Of Exile easily wins this category because of its unique integrated "sharing" of hub towns with other players. When you play Diablo 3, you feel alone, and even when you're in a group, it's just your group. In Path Of Exile, you see numerous other players, builds and outfits, and the world feels "alive" and "busy". But the social connection systems of the two games (friends list, etc.) are very similar. One nice feature Diablo 3 has is the easy ability to inspect other players. Path Of Exile doesn't have an inspect option.



Diablo 3 supports up to 4 people in a party. Loot that drops is only yours and nobody else can see it or pick it up unless you pick it up and then drop it.


Path Of Exile allows up to 6 people in a party. It also uses an Item Allocation system which either allows all dropped items to be free for all, marked for pickup by a single party member for a short period of time, or permanent allocation.


Tie. I Both games do a good job of making party runs fun. While Diablo 3 only shows the item drops for you, Path Of Exile shows all party member item drops, which can quickly fill up the screen. An option to turn off other party member item drops would be user for those who want it.



Guilds are fairly simple, creating a mechanism for sharing legendary item identifications and achievements. There is no guild stash.


Path Of Exile guilds are very simple as welt, but do not share anything more than the name tag and a guild stash. There are no item or achievement announcements.


Tie. Both games lack in this area. While the stash of Path Of Exile is nice (Diablo 3 doesn't have a guild stash), it lacks any other real "sharing" features.


Forums & Resources

The Diablo 3 forums are very active can be quite helpful for questions and answers. Beyond this, they don't provide much in the way of support because the game is pretty easy for most players to jump into and understand. Plus the volume of posts is so great, threads are quickly lost in the volume of content.


The Path Of Exile Forums are quite busy as well, but due to the complex nature of the game, the content within the forums can be exceptional, especially when it comes to theory crafting, skill, and overall build guides. The forums also operate as the center for trade "stores" which are then browsed through the poe.trade or r4pg poe trade website.


Path Of Exile wins because of the fantastic build guides players have built and posted in the forums; far beyond what you'll find in the Diablo 3 forums. Ultimate both games have similar community strengths and weaknesses (a balance kind and helpful players vs. jerks and trouble makers), and the forums for both games are bustling with activity.




The colors, ambience, lighting and overall presentation of the different realms is beautiful, and combat is very fluid and integrates well with all visual features of the game.


Path Of Exile has done a good job creating a crisp visual world and numerous custom effects that enhance the experience. For rendering, the 3D engine runs smoothly.


Diablo 3 wins; it's hard to compete with the artistic and graphical resources at Blizzard's disposal. Even with the well-done visual effects from Path Of Exile, it doesn't beat Diablo 3's refinement, but it comes close.


Sound & Music

The music of Diablo 3 is excellent and matches the ambience very well. The Sound FX are also well-done, immersing the player within the environment.


Path Of Exile has excellent sound tied to creatures, events, and ambience. The music is also very well done for a smaller studio. The directional sounds that lead you to monsters and spirits are also well implemented.


Tie. While the music of Diablo 3 is top notch, Path Of Exile has done a great job with their implementation of sound to represent drops, notifications and creatures that n are off-screen. So while the Music of Diablo 3 is "better" than Path Of Exile (but not by much), the Sound FX of Path Of Exile are better than Diablo 3.



The Diablo 3 interface is fairly basic, easy to understand, and clean.


The Path Of Exile interface is also fairly basic, easy to understand, and clean.


Tie. The interfaces work well, but neither is "better" than the other.


Connectivity & Downtime

My experience has been Diablo 3 has near perfect connectivity with no latency, rubber-banding or direct downtime. The only issues I've encountered are when Battle.net goes down, and it's very rare.


With desync now a thing of the past for those who have a good ping to one of the numerous new servers, there are rarely connection issues. Path Of Exile now plays better than ever.


While Lockstep has changed everything with Path Of Exile (for those with a good ping) it's still not as silky smooth as Diablo 3. As such, Diablo 3 win because of its smooth server operations and lack of any real form of desync (even at a higher ping).



Blizzard takes on average 6 months for a major patch of Diablo 3, which is far too long. However, they have made great strides enhancing the core of the game. They just need to make changes more often.


Grinding Gear Games is regularly enhancing the game, patching bugs, balancing the skills and adding new features.


Path Of Exile easily wins due to the fact Blizzard has been drag that feet and taking months for things that-should have taken far less time to fixer address. Grinding Gear Games is much more active with regular patches and releases than Blizzard.


Bug Free

I haven't encountered any bugs with Diablo 3 except for the frame rate hit tied to sound in A threat Crater and the new docks found in rifts. More than a year later, this problem still persists, but it doesn't prevent the game from being played.


Now that Lockstep has been introduced, desync is a thing of the past for all players who have a good connection; however for those who have a 50ms+ ping, they still have desync issues and cannot use Lockstep. Besides synchronization, Path Of Exile is a solid game that's essentially bug free.


While Path Of Exile has made great strides with the introduction of Lockstep, Diablo 3 is the winner here because it has no desync issues and plays smooth as silk for nearly all players. Path Of Exile still has synch issues for those who have a ping above 50ms.



Diablo 3 is a beautiful, smooth and immersive game; what we expect from Blizzard. It caters more to Casual Players than hardcore garners as it doesn't has any features that emphasize hardcore play (except for hardcore mode); but plenty of hardcore gamers play and enjoy Diablo 3. It has fun and diverse classes and provides good end-game progression through the paragon system, nephalim rifts, greater rifts, the Cube and legendary gems. But, the game is very limited on class builds and most end-game content focuses on one or two complete items set with very standard equipment configurations. The 2.6 release has slightly enhanced the game, but not as much as players were hoping. Greater Rifts function as the only real end-game challenge for the most powerful characters, but there's a reason millions of people are playing this game. It is very, very good.


Path of Exile is a very broad, complex, challenging ,and, unforgiving game that caters heavily to Hardcore Players. The unique economy is one of the best designs out there. While desync is now a thing of the past for many players, the harsh death penalty, lack of a complete in-game managed trading system, forced labyrinths, and the near impossibility of achieving max level for the overwhelming majority of players is still an issue. Regardless, the game is thriving and doing very well, and the new Prophecy release is excellent. The diversity in crafting and character build variations is unprecedented. Path Of Exile has created a love/hate model, and if they address the remaining core problems, Grinding Gear Games has the potential of being the best ARPG on the market. A final important point is the game is FREE to play. Path of Exile has been released on the xbox platform, looking forward to it getting better and better!! also you can check here to buy Path of Exile xbox currency.


We've reviewed all the categories and covered a good feel for each game. Diablo 3 is a refined work of art that caters more to casual gamers where Path Of Exile is a more in-depth hardcore game with some amazing features that are far beyond Diablo 3. But Path Of Exile's lack of an in-game managed trade system, the death penalty and the brick wall of progress direct impacts the fun factor of the game. However, even with these issues, the weight of the categories shows that Path Of Exile has more to offer than Diablo 3 for those who desire such features. But taking into account categories that cater more to Hardcore gamers, the Casual gamer may not find these features more enticing or enjoyable. While Diablo 3 comes out on top for Casual Players (with 4 categories strongly geared toward such), Path of Exile comes out on top for Hardcore Players (with 9 categories strongly geared toward such). Path of Exile also wins in overall weight.