What Do You Want To See In Path Of Exile 3.0

R4PG Game Store Date: Apr/24/17 01:12:08 Views: 4971

We all know that Path of Exile 3.0 is on the horizon, this along with the fact we have Path of Exile Orbs in our hot sale right now have really got us even more into the game. Anyway today we want to ask you to let us know what are some of the things you would like to see in POE 3.0? Let us know in the comments below. But before you get there, see what are some of the things, us folks in the R4PG office would like to see.

What Do You Want To See In Path Of Exile 3.0

New Weapons


We all want more cool stuff to kill enemies with, but many of us would love to see new base type weapons. Weapons that could change things up a little bit, like perhaps some cool throwing weapons like throwing knives or even axes. No matter what, we hope that there are some very cool new weapons to wreak havoc with!


Horde Mode


This is one that has been talked about for a while now and many of us would like to see it too and that is a full on Horde Mode. A mode where you are not worrying about the best place to buy path of exile orbs. A mode that is just all about survival, survival and getting some serious kick butt loot! Horde modes are a lot of fun, especially with people you know and we are sure this is something many POE players would have a ton of fun with. Maybe just some kind of dungeon that never ends and the longer you survive the more epic loot you get would work well with POE.


Better Performance


We know some people who laugh when you say that Path Of Exile has performance issues, be it crashing or the FPS dropping so much that the game just crawls along. But the fact is, many players do have some issues with the performance of POE and we hope that these are going to be addressed with the 3.0 update. When a big update happens there is always the worry that the early days are going to be rough and we will have to wait for a patch. We really, really hope that does not happen and that Grinding Gear Games has their stuff together and that the game is ready to rock and roll smoothly on release date.


Maybe Slow Things Down... A Little!


Ok so put down the pitchforks and let us explain. We know that for many of you looking to just buy poe orbs online. You want to run in there, kill a ton of things and be rewarded for it. You also want to do this as quickly as possible. Path Of Exile can be a huge time commitment, we get that. But sometimes, we wish that we could take things just a little slower and enjoy the game. Many times, we are just running through it, plowing through enemies just to get more loot and never really taking in some of the awesome scenery. So maybe just slowing things down a tad would help us appreciate the world the game is set in a little bit more.


A More Epic Feel


Look, we love Path of Exile and think that the world, lore and the people you meet are great. But we would love to see some even bigger towns and some bigger problems for you to face in order to protect said town. Make us feel that if we fail, things are really going to get bad! We think that POE is one of the best games when it comes to its setting and would love to see it expanded on and made even more epic. Perhaps some better writing and more fleshed out characters would get people invested more and stop people just running through the game.

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