PoE 3.4-Passive Skill Tree Changes

R4PG Game Store Date: Aug/29/18 22:33:02 Views: 6400

PoE 3.4-Passive Skill Tree Changes

As you know, path of exile is about to usher in a new league -- delve, the official has announced that it will update the new league on August 31. At the same time, various introductions about delve were also leaked in advance, and we can already take a look at the changes brought by delve based on the existing information. Here is an introduction to the skill tree in delve, which details the changes to the skill tree and the impact of these changes on the game.


With the introduction of new skills such as holy-themed minion skills, the balance of the skill tree has changed accordingly. For this reason, GGG redesigned the early Templar and Witch passive trees in delve. I have reason to believe that these changes are reasonable and reliable, and GGG will not and cannot destroy the main balance in the game unless GGG completely ignores the player's feelings. GGG took this opportunity to improve the pathing through the Templar tree, unifying many of the attack, spell and elemental passive skills.


Poison Passive Skills


  • The Fatal Toxins cluster between the Shadow and the Ranger now grants a total of 65% increased Damage with Poison (down from 115%), but now also grants a total of 55% increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills.

  • Dirty Techniques now grants 25% increased Damage with Poison (down from 50%) but now also grants 25% increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills. The passives leading to the notable now grant increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills instead of Increased Damage with Poison.

  • Toxic Strikes now grants 30% increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills rather than increased Damage with Poison. The small passive leading to it now grants 10% increased Damage with Poison (down from 20%) and 10% increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills.


Attack, Spell and Elemental Passive Skills.

Elemental damage


  • The Elementalist, Catalyse and Light of Divinity clusters have been merged into one unholy cluster. Small Spell Damage and Weapon Elemental Damage passives have been replaced with Elemental Damage passives.

  • Catalyse has been renamed Divine Fervour. In addition to the 24% increased Elemental Damage and +10 to Strength and Intelligence, it now grants 25% increased Melee Critical Strike Chance and causes Damage with Weapons to penetrate 3% of Elemental Resistance.

  • Elementalist has been renamed Holy Dominion. In addition to +12% to all Elemental Resistances, 5% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite, and 12% increased Elemental Damage (up from 10%), it now grants 12% increased Global Physical Damage.

  • The small passives leading to Holy Dominion now grant 10% increased Elemental Damage (up from 8%).

  • Fire Walker, Lightning Walker and Frost Walker now each grant 20% increased damage of their respective elements (up from 18%). The passives immediately above them each now grant 12% increased damage of their respective elements (up from 10%). The Elemental Damage passives at either end of this wheel now grant 10% increased Elemental Damage (up from 8%).




  • The second passive on the right path of the Witch's start now grants 8% increased maximum Minion life in addition to 12% increased Maximum Energy Shield.

  • The righthand arc of the Witch's leftmost starting cluster now grants 4% increased Cast Speed per passive (up from 3%).

  • The Mana and Mana Regeneration passives on the righthand arc of the Witch's rightmost starting cluster have been replaced by Minion Damage, Minion Attack Speed and Minion Cast Speed passives.


Celestial Judgement/Celestial Punishment cluster

  • The Elemental Damage passives in the Celestial Judgement/Celestial Punishment cluster now grant 8% increased Elemental Damage (up from 6%). The first passive in this cluster now grants 10% increased Elemental Damage (up from 8%).

  • There is a new cluster just north of the Celestial Judgement/Celestial Punishment cluster which grants Minion benefits. In particular, the farthest node causes Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage to also affect you.


Other Cluster

  • The Puppet Master and Herd the Flock minion clusters immediately north of the Templar start have been renamed to Sacrifice and Spiritual Command.

  • The Sacrifice cluster now grants a total of 30% increased Minion Maximum Life (down from 36%), +15% to Minion's Elemental Resistances, Minions Regenerate 3% Life per second, and 0.5% of Life Regenerated per Second, split across 3 small passives and the notable. The additional Zombie and Skeleton from this notable has been moved to the Death Attunement notable north of the Witch.

  • The Spiritual Command cluster now grants a total of 43% increased Minion Damage, 7% increased Attack Speed for minions, 7% increased Cast Speed for Minions, and 40% increased Minion Accuracy Rating. The notable also causes increases and reductions to Minion Attack Speed to also affect you. These benefits are split across 3 small passives and a notable. The additional Zombie from this notable has been moved to Grave Intentions.

  • There is a new Mana cluster just above the Deep Wisdom notable which grants 31% increased Maximum Mana, 20% increased Mana Regeneration Rate, 20% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks, and 2 Mana Regenerated per second split across 2 small passives and the Arcane Will notable.

  • The northmost small passive of the Arcane Focus cluster now also grants 5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate.

  • The small Area of Effect passives in the Blast Radius cluster now each grant 10% increased Area of Effect (up from 8%).

  • A new cluster, Words of Glory, has been added between the Marauder and the Templar. It grants increases to Warcry Duration, Warcry Cooldown Recovery Speed, and Warcry Buff Effect. The notable also causes your Warcries to cost no mana, and grants you and nearby allies 6% increased Attack, Cast and Movement speed if you've Warcried recently.

  • Another cluster, Battle Cry, has been added near the Unwavering Stance keystone. It offers increased Warcry Duration, increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Speed, and increased Warcry Buff Effect. The notable also makes using Warcries Instant.


Other changes

  • The Templar start's upper path has been reworked. The two first passive skills now provide increased Damage (rather than increased Elemental Damage). The Melee Damage passive skills on the lower arc of the upper cluster have been replaced by 6% increased Attack Damage and 6% increased Minion Damage passives.

  • The small passives in the Amplify Cluster now grant 10% increased Area Damage (up from 8%). There is a new passive connected to the Amplify notable that grants 10% increased Area of Effect damage and allows players to exit north towards the Galvanic Hammer cluster.

  • There is a new passive connected to the Righteous Decree notable that grants 5% increased Maximum Mana and 3% reduced Mana Cost of Skills, and allows players to exit south towards the Sanctuary cluster.

  • The Retribution notable now grants 14% increased Damage (as opposed to 14% increased Spell Damage and 14% increased Melee Damage). This notable now also causes Minions to deal 10% increased Damage.

  • Light of Divinity now grants 10% increased Light Radius (down from 20%), and 20% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells in addition to the 15% increased Spell Damage, 4% increased Cast Speed, and +10 to Strength and Intelligence it previously granted.

  • The Occultist's Dominion notable has been renamed to Arcanist's Dominion and now grants 5% increased Cast Speed (up from 4%).

  • Grave Intentions, near the Pain Attunement keystone, now grants +2 to Maximum number of Zombies (up from +1).

  • Death Attunement, near the Minion Instability keystone, now also grants +1 to Maximum number of Skeletons and +1 to Maximum number of Zombies.


Digression: GGG adds some new features to delve, such as a new system to handle high-level players playing with lower-level party members in lower-level areas and allowing the lower-level players to get an appropriate amount of experience and poe currency.


Block Passive Skills


  • The top two passives of the Sanctuary cluster (near the Templar) now grant 2% chance to block Spell Damage along with their previous +6% to Elemental Resistances while holding a Shield. They no longer provide chance to block Attack Damage (see below).

  • The bottom two passives of the Sanctuary cluster now each grant +1% chance to block Attack Damage. So that's where it went.

  • The first passive in the Mind Barrier cluster (near the Witch) now grants 40% increased Block Recovery, while the second now grants +2% Chance to block Spell Damage. The notable now grants +8% chance to block Spell Damage (up from 5%).

  • The first passive of the Deflect cluster (near the Shadow) now also grants 1% chance to block Attack Damage, the second passive now grants +2% chance to block Spell Damage, and the notable now also grants +4% chance to block Spell Damage.

  • The Whirling Barrier cluster (near the Templar) now also grants chance to block Spell Damage while holding a staff at the same values as the chance to block Attack Damage while holding a staff it previously granted (so, a total of +12% chance to block Spell Damage and +12% chance to block Attack Damage while holding a staff).



Bow Passive Skills


  • Master Fletcher and the passive skill leading to it now grant increased Damage Over Time with Bow Skills, rather than increased Damage with Ailments from Attack Skills while Wielding a Bow.

  • Deadly Draw and the passives leading to it now grant increased Damage over Time with Bow Skills, rather than increased Damage with Ailments from Attack Skills while wielding a Bow.

  • Aspect of the Eagle, and the passive skills around it, now also grant increased Damage over Time with Bow Skills, rather than increased Damage with Ailments from Attack Skills while wielding a Bow.


In addition to the skill tree, GGG has changed a lot of things about character balance, equipment attributes, game interface and so on. These changes will be explained one by one in the later introduction. If you like our website, please always support us!

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