R4PG.com | Hot Warmane news, Guides, Videos and Tips - Page 2


Warmane Faction Change Guide For The Burning Crusades

That is all there is to it. As you can see it is very easy to do and if you need some of that precious Warmane Gold to help you do this, good news as it is in our Hot Sale so it is currently available for a very low price.


Encountering Jerks In Warmane

Here at R4PG.com, we like to keep an eye on things and make sure that we are offering fellow Warmane players the best and lowest priced Warmane Outland Gold! Here are just a few of the things he mentioned had happened to him while playing Warmane lately.


Why You Should Get Into Warmane Mists Of Pandaria

While we are of course going to let you know we are the best place to Warmane Gold online. Today we are also going to give you some reasons as to why you guys need to play Warmane Mists Of Pandaria!


Warmane Bots And Bans

Recently Warmane went on the warpath and a lot of people were banned for using bots. This was no itty bitty ban either! We get why these developers want to ban botting as they want you to get your Warmane Gold in a more “honest” and safe kind of way and we can appreciate that.


Weird Stuff Happening In Warmane!

As you know we love Warmane! Well, that is what we want to talk about today. We came across something very odd. There was a pile of bones in the Razorfen Down area.


Will Warmane Put T4 Set Items On The Store

Like you, we enjoy reading posts on the Warmane forums and one recently caught our eye. It was to do with T4 items from Magtheridon's head and Gruul Lair being offered on the store.


Making Gold In Warmane

We know that many of you have moved on from standard old World of Warcraft and are fully invested in Warmane and that is awesome. To be honest with you, getting Gold In Warmane is not as hard as some people make out.


Is Alterac Valley In Warmane Any Good?

Alterac Valley for some is one of the most iconic battlegrounds there is and it goes without question that many people were excited to see just how well it worked with Warmane.


Warmane Devlog July Highlights

What we want to talk about today though is the most recent devlog for Warmane which came on July 17th. This particular devlog had some great information, but specifically, we want to mention, Mists Of Pandaria which is the latest and greatest update.


R4PG Declares Full Coverage of Warmane Services

Many players of Warmane (Warmane Private Servers), a highly popular online MMORPG, are familiar with the name of R4PG.com, which has been providing high-quality Warmane products to players for years.


Warmane Streaming Is Not As Easy As It Looks!

That is what brings us to today’s blog post. While looking at different Warmane streams, to get some good tips!


How To Get Warmane Gold The Easy Way!

We do still actually have a lot of people come to us looking for World Of Warcraft Warmane Gold even though there are some people who will try and convince you the game is dead!

Displaying 13-24 of 26 results.

Warmane Top News


Warmane Icecrown Gold Farming Guide

What's up, guys? Today, I'm going to be showing you how to make money on Icecrown. If you are playing on the Warmane Icecrown server and you want to make some money, this is a great way to do it.


Buying Weapons In World Of Warcraft Private Server - Warmane

There are different ways to go about buying a weapon from the auction house, but as most of you know, you pick your realm and then what you want to buy.


Check Out This Cool World of Warcraft Warmane Stream

Many people in the R4PG office have had their love for World Of Warcraft rekindled thanks to the very reliable and smooth running Warmane server.